Channel: 43 Things: Kayteehx__
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Kayteehx__ added an entry about Get rid of my spots:

now, im not as bad as some people on here.. i have about 12 spot’s.. about 10 of them are little tiny spot’s, which are not visible to all eye’s.. but 2 of them are.. now, ive tried everything! all these stupid clearasil’s coming out.. all thes eget rid in 3 day’s there all BALL.. what i suggest is..

wash your face thourghly..

then shove on a thick layer of toothpaste for 10 minute’s.. this
reduced the size of my spot..

then after that i shoved on a layer of honey.. which had also reduced the size of my spot.. the redness is still visable.. but the size has shrunk hugely..

then i shoved on another layer of toothpaste for another 10 minute’s. my spot is pretty much gone by now.. just red.. but very very small..

then i shoved on some sudocream on.. this didnt really help, so i shoved some ovy on.. which sort of made the size of it go down.. but if you keep doing everything ive said.. and drink plenty of water.. then your spot will be gone within hour’s..

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Doodle Jump 3.11.30 by Lima Sky LLC

Doodle Jump 3.11.30 by Lima Sky LLC

Doodle Jump 3.11.30 by Lima Sky LLC

Doodle Jump 3.11.30 by Lima Sky LLC

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Doodle Jump 3.11.30 by Lima Sky LLC

Doodle Jump 3.11.30 by Lima Sky LLC

Doodle Jump 3.11.30 by Lima Sky LLC

Doodle Jump 3.11.30 by Lima Sky LLC

Vimeo 10.6.1 by Vimeo.com, Inc.

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